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Referral System


Promote FastOptics and earn big discounts! FastOptics have own unique two-level referral system - for each webmaster that you directly refer to us and he do signup, you'll automatically get 5% discount from his total expenses! And if the webmaster you directly referred subsequently referred other webmasters, you'll get additional discount 1% of each 2nd-level referred webmaster's total expenses!

You'll get special link which you can place on your web site (in webmasters area for example), and you can promote our hosting with it. Here is an example: let's say that you refer two webmasters and they will do transfer 100GB monthly. So in this moment you'll have 10GB of transfer for free! And it isn't all - imagine that these webmasters do transfer thousands of GB's or they will refer other webmasters!

Here is easy overview:

Referral system example

What do you need to start?

Nothing! If you are our customer already, you can use our referral system right now. Just log to the control panel and go to 'referral system' section. There you can find your link as well as our banners and detailed stats.